Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Ms. Polly's Chocolate Cake

On my way home from Makati to Laguna, I was thinking of what to bring to my kids, since its too late for us to go out for a Valentine dinner. Good thing that I remembered this famous Ms. Polly chocolate cake, which is available at Shell Select Shop in Magallanes area. A friend and I was able to buy one which was baked only this morning, with 5 days of shelf life, according to the Shell store attendant.

That's my youngest son gamely posing for a photo with the square chocolate cake. He can't wait to try it, and was the first to get a slice. I consumed a small slice after dinner, which was followed by another slice before going to bed, hehe.

Quite expensive at Php 440 for a whole cake, its quality justifies its price compared with the choco cakes of Goldilocks and Red Ribbon. The last time I bought one was at least a year ago, priced at less than Php 400 per piece. Ms. Polly's chocolate cake is consistent with the right moistness, sweetness, texture, and rich chocolate taste. No wonder that it has its own followers by word-of-mouth marketing.

Photo courtesy of Arianne DB.


  1. You got me curious with this cake! Is it available in all Shell Select stores, or only in Magallanes?

  2. Hi, Pinay Wanderer. I think its only available at Shell gas station in Magallanes, along SLEX before reaching the Asia Pacific College. I never saw it on other gas stations.

    1. Thanks Noel, I'll check it some other time, when I get the chance. :)

  3. Hi guys! May I know how I can get there (Ms. Polly's Shell Magallanes) via commute? Thanks! =D
