A big Thank You to all the readers of this blog, whether regular readers or who just stumbled on this once when "googling" a topic. After 138 posts eliciting 300+ comments, this 568-day old blog had just garnered 100,000 hits from over 45,000 visitors, who have read this blog from 128 countries around the world. As expected, Philippines top the number of visitors, followed by US, Singapore, Canada, and Hongkong.
English is the major language used by this blog's visitors, followed by Filipino, and a far third is German. Majority of the readers use Firefox as browser, closely followed by Chrome users, then Internet Explorer (IE). There is a debatable study released in Yahoo News before that in general, those who use internet browser other than IE are more intelligent, so I'm sure the readers of this blog belong to the smarter group of the world's population, hehe.