Saturday, May 22, 2010

Another Mt. Makiling Hike

Two months after our previous hike in Mt. Makiling, we did it again this morning, this time with 2 nephews from Bulacan. We started the hike to Mudspring at 8:00 am, then arrived on our destination in 2 hours. We were told that Kuya Kim's team from Matang Lawin TV show is scheduled to do an episode of Mt. Makiling today, but we have not seen his team until we got down before 12:00 noon at College of Forestry.

See a short video of boiling mud below:

On our way, we've seen different flora and fauna varieties, like the flowering plant below.

A type of palm tree with fruits that look like clustered siniguelas

A tree with small fruits that come out from the main trunk

Another strange fruit-bearing tree

A tree that looks like it is hugging its neighbor.

A flower that reminds me of pitcher plant

A butterfly with grayish dotted color on inner wings but blue-streaked black color on outer wings. I only have a Point & Shoot digicam, so optical zoom and wide view angle  is limited. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to take photo of a bigger butterfly with black and red color combination.

Another photo of the mudpot crater with boiling earth and sulfur.

A new statue in UPLB aside from famous Oblation. Its like a pegasus, but this time its a winged carabao and not a horse.

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