Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Conserving Water & Keeping It Healthy

Scientists say that life on Earth would not have been possible if there is no water. It covers 71% of Earth’s surface, 97% of which is saltwater, 2.40% in glaciers and ice caps mostly in Antarctica, and only 0.60% in lakes and rivers. Water in the seas also act as worldwide temperature regulator and being constantly monitored by meteorologists to predict El Nino and other climate patterns.

Humans are made up of 55% to 78% water, and we need at least a liter of this life-sustaining liquid a day to avoid dehydration. We are still lucky since most of us have easy access to potable water, unlike the rest of 1 billion in the world population. According to World Health Organization, 5 million people die every year from drinking polluted water, 1.4 million of which are child deaths from diarrhea.

You can cut you water bill by doing these tips, and assure the next generations to have clean freshwater supply at the same time.

1. Fix leaking pipes, faucets, and toilet tank. A leak of one drop per second can waste up to 7 gallons a day, or 10 cu.m. of water a year which translate to Php 323 at current Maynilad water rate.

2. Collect rainwater to clean your car or water your garden. Your plants prefer rain water, and this also reduces your water consumption bill.

3. Use low flow showerhead. Take shorter showers. You may reuse the bath wastewater in flushing the toilet. A family of four who takes 5-minute shower each could consume 28,000 gallons of water a year.

4. Avoid unnecessary flushing. Use toilets that use 1.6 gallons per flush. If you are still using the old bigger tank toilets, you could put bricks or plastic bottle to limit the water used for flushing.

5. Install faucet aerators to artificially increase the water pressure. Turn off water faucets while soaping hands or brushing teeth.

6. Use energy efficient and water-conserving washing machines. Wash only on full loads.

7. Use 3-sink method when washing dishes. Or, turn off sink faucet while scrubbing dishes and pots. Kitchen wastewater are good for watering plants too.

8. Use a broom, not a hose, to clean driveways and walkways.

9. Defrost frozen meats in the chiller section of your refrigerator, not in running water.

10. Plant trees. Reduce your paper consumption. Help in protecting the forest cover of watersheds which are the primary source of water for most of our homes.

If you want to mix your own household cleaner, with less fear of harming the fishes in the rivers, you may try these inexpensive do-it-your own solutions below:



All-Purpose Cleaner
1/2 cup borax (you can get this from local hardware stores)
1 gallon hot water
Mix in pail (or use smaller amounts in a spray bottle: 1/8 cup borax to 1 quart of hot water) dissolving the borax completely; wipe clean with rag.

1/4 cup white vinegar1 gallon warm water

1 cup white vinegar2 gallons warm water
Mix in mop bucket, rinse afterwards.

Furniture Polish
1/2 cup white vinegar1 teaspoon olive oil
Mix and apply with a clean rag to dust and polish. Reduce the olive oil if wood looks too oily.

Metal Polish
Copper and Brass
2 Tbsps saltWhite vinegar
Add vinegar to salt until you've created a paste. Adding flour will reduce abrasiveness. Apply with a rag and rub clean.

Stainless Steel
Baking soda
White vinegar
Apply baking soda with a damp cloth, using the vinegar to eliminate spots.


Toilet Bowl
Baking soda
White vinegar
To clean and deodorize, sprinkle toilet bowl with baking soda, add white vinegar and scrub with a toilet brush.

Tub and Tile
1/2 lemonBorax
Dip the face of the lemon half in borax to create a hand-held scrubber for dirty areas. Rinse and dry the surface afterwards.


Marble Countertops
Mix one Tbsp castile soap with a quart of warm water, rinse well, then dry with a warm cloth.

Other surfaces: half a lemon and dip the face in baking soda to scrub off residues. Follow up by spraying with glass cleaner mix (below).

1 cup baking soda
1 cup vinegar


  1. This are really great tips on conserving water, Noelizm! Conserving water is one of the best things we can do to help the environment. It's our responsibility in an environmental awareness activity is really an act that should be shared with others.

  2. Thanks for visiting the blog. I hope more people will read these energy and water conservation tips.
