Thursday, April 18, 2013

Zinio: A Digital Newsstand's Tempting Offers

I used to subscribe with Time, Readers Digest, etc., all in hard (paper) copies when I was younger with plenty of time to read them. Nowadays, I just read e-books and sometimes browse the electronic copies of newspapers abroad from my notebook or smart phone. 

Five days ago, I was contacted by Zinio, a digital newsstand with more than 5,000 magazines titles from all around the world. They offer magazines in digital format, in attractive bundles and incentive pricing, that can be read in laptops, iPad, Kindle, tablets, and smart phones. 

By reading magazines in digital form, we also spare some trees from being cut to make paper, avoid packaging and shipping to reduce our carbon footprint. Below are some of their nice, attractive offers. Just click the hyperlinks below:

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Ternate - Nasugbu Traverse of Pico de Loro

AKAC team and I had summited Mt. Palay Palay last 02 Dec. 2011 here, but we were not able to climb its famous monolith named Pico de Loro or Parrot's Beak, due to the absence of a rope. Since then, I knew that I would return to the same mountain to scale that monolith, to settle that unfinished business.

Last 24 March 2013 with Peninsula Mountaineers, we were presented with that opportunity not only to climb the Parrot's Beak, but also try the Ternate-Nasugbu traverse trails. I brought my eldest son (Daniel) with me thru public transportation from Carmona to Ternate, Cavite. 

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Amici, Mary Grace, Sumo Sam, Tempura Restos

I was browsing through my photo files, and saw the pictures I took on my recent dining experiences this year. Then I remembered why I took those photos, to briefly write comparisons about my first impressions. The food I tried were quite limited, so my reviews do not necessarily reflect the overall quality of a restaurant's food choices.

A month ago, I was able to try Mary Grace Restaurant's branch in Greenbelt. It has casual ambiance, and I noticed that they already have many customers, unlike their neighbors. Clueless on what are the must-try food there, I sought the recommendation of my colleagues. I ordered the spaghetti in olive oil sauce with seafood below. 

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Mt. Tagapo: From Santa Rosa to Talim Island

I have been wanting to climb Mt. Tagapo in Talim island, especially when I saw it from the summits of Tayak Hill, Mounts Kalisungan and Cristobal. Finally, that dream had materialized last 10 March 2013 with AKAC group and my boys.

Half of our group met at Central Mall in upper Binan, where we took our breakfast and bought sandwiches at a fastfood restaurant. We left the mall before 7:00 am on a jeepney to Sta. Rosa Plaza, with fare at Php 9/person. Near the Mercury drug store, we rode tricycles that traversed the baybay (lakeshore) road to brgy. Caingin's dulo (end) at Php 11/person.